Sunday, September 21, 2008


She was walking through insipid dreary lanes. She kept walking into a vast nothingness. There was no colour, no light. The only things that remained were pain, remorse, unfulfilled desires and things though thought over but never executed that kept stabbing her soul. Not that it mattered now. She wanted to do much in life. Make a life out of life, whatever that meant. She had wanted to change things. She had wanted to go and teach the poor, always planned of going to the orphanage, help the blind man cross the road, hug her brother and tell him that she loved him, go out with her friends to a trekking camp, learn to play the guitar and much much more. Not that it mattered now.

The path on which she was walking had now come to a diversion. Though both seemed quite dark and bleak to her at this time; on one the grass was totally worn out and on the other road the un-trampled grass shone. Taking the previous one as the safer bet she embarked on her journey. She had probably not read “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” by Robert Frost. But she had failed to notice the road that went crisscrossing the two. Not that it mattered now. Now that she was dead. As she kept walking scenes from her life flashed in front of her eyes. She saw herself going to school, paying utmost attention there and then hurrying back home by train looking sadly at the outstretched hands of the maimed beggars while promising herself that she would definitely help the poor and less fortunate once she grew older. She had always waited to do things. Another flash showed her herself sitting on her desk pondering about her old friends, as she reminisced about the good times her heart battled it out with her mind about calling them up.

Eventually mind won by tactfully making her believe that she had “important things” to do like completing assignments and that she could always catch up later. Next she saw herself “thinking” of joining the guitar class which was just a stone’s throw away from her block but then deciding against it as that could probably act as the hitch to her coveted title of “distinction holder” in class. then she saw the orphanage, her mother and the time she had denied her, the trekking camp, the swing, cycling on the mountains, stopping to smell the flowers, to fell the wind ruffle her hair…..And then she felt herself going in a trance………She tried hard to go back……She wanted another chance at life…..she knew what was missing in her life…..Just another chance……then she felt something tugging her. First slowly and then harder and harder……….harder ….more harder….this time she got up with a start….It was her mother trying hard to wake her up for college. It had all been just a dream! Today she was only glad to get up. She hugged her mother tightly for a long time and kissed her cheek.

She knew it was not just another nightmare. She deciphered the dream and the code of the roads in her dream. She realized that though small; the seemingly inconsequential things in life did matter. It dawned on her that life’s journey goes through that crisscrossing path on the diverged roads. Everything in life has to be tried and tasted. A fragrant rose on the journey makes the journey lively and something to look forward too. The journey holds as much importance as the destination. Life can’t wait. There is no time to let things happen, we have to make them happen, not tomorrow but today. Right here right now. Make a life out of life. Live life king size!

-Kiran Rane Second Year EXTC

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